Snow fights rain
Snow fought the rain, and so far, the snow won.… Read the rest
Snow fought the rain, and so far, the snow won.… Read the rest
A baby cantaloupe, nestled in a tangle of vines under a canopy of leaves. Mmmm, will be…delicious. It’s well on its way to fully-matured, ready-to-eat goodness, a few weeks to go, but anything can happen. Last year, a freak localized … Read the rest
Definitely on the good bug list, these common red soldier beetles are happily multitasking, munching on the pollen and nectar from flowering parsley, while mating. Now that’s procreation! A quick background check comes up all good for these guys in … Read the rest
Even with little sun, the winter squash won’t be kept down. What it likes to do is spread far and wide: huge leaves and vigorous vines snaking out all over the place. The big sprawl is just kicking in, flowering … Read the rest
Yeah, these aren’t my buddies. This season, the first time for me, rabbits hopped out of the cute woodland creature category and into Pests & Disease. At least one or two are definitely creeping around the garden, so far not … Read the rest
This year, small snails everywhere! My best efforts at naming them (posting pics to the iNaturalist app on my phone) suggests they’re in the amber snail family (Succineidae). Wherever the ground is sheltered and moist, like under piles of rocks … Read the rest
Why complain about the weather when…it could be worse?! And yet, ugh, yet another cloudy one. So far this season, there’s definitely been a shortage of days. You can see it in the paler green of the leaves and the … Read the rest